McManus Law - Attorneys Offering Unique Legal Services
"Attorneys passionately committed to offering legal representation consistent with the belief that all situations are as unique as the clients who experience them"
McManus Law offers over a decade of legal experience, passion and commitment to all of our clients.
Currently we primarily service the Monroe, Wingate, Indian Trail, Weddington and Waxhaw areas of
Union County, North Carolina. Our practice is generally limited to serving Union County with exceptions
being offered on a case by case basis in Charlotte, NC and Mecklenburg County. We work passionately
and diligently to provide our clients fair compensation and justice. Our office extensively specializes in the
areas of Divorce and Family Law, Criminal Law, Traffic Law, Personal Injury and Wills and Probate.
We at McManus Law understand that the need for legal representation arises out of variety of unique
situations that may be sensitive in nature. We therefore pride ourselves in offering unique representation
consistent with the belief that all situations are as unique as the clients who experience them. We offer the
utmost legal integrity while superseding the expectations with competent, personal attorneys, who utilizes
all aspects of the judicial process to achieve maximum results for our clients.
Our commitment to our clients is the essence of our practice. One of our Most valuable services to our
potential clients are our low cost initial in office or virtual consultations. Virtual consultations conveniently
allow you to meet with an attorney from work or home on your computer. These consultations are an
opportunity for our attorneys to answer any questions that you may have relating to your current situation
and any issues that will forseeably arise as a result of your situation in the future. During this initial
consultation you will spend approximately one hour with an attorney. Please contact us today for your
appointment with a Union County attorney, and put our knowledge and expertise to the test.

The information on this site is provided as a public service to help educate the community. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Any information provided for public use
is general information. Laws change and court decisions may alter the law. For help on how the law affects a particular situation, please contact an attorney. None of the Information provided on this
site will create an attorney-client relationship if used by a member of the public, nor will e-mails sent to the above attorney constitute the formation of an attorney-client relationship. All such relationships
will be formed in writing and signed by both parties. All images copyrighted by their respective owners.
Copyright 2014 © McManus Law