
We Provide Legal Defense Against Felony Criminal Charges.
A felony is a serious crime that is punishable by imprisonment for up to life in the department of corrections or prison, and in some cases, death. Because of the seriousness of the offense, felonies often involve complex legal work and are sometimes removed from State Court and prosecuted in Federal Court. Most felony charges originate in District Court until they have been indicted by a grand jury at which time they are moved to Superior Court. In Superior Court felony charges are can be handled by way of a dismissal, a criminal jury trial or a negotiated plea arrangement. McManus Law represents clients charged with felonies including, but not limited to:
• First (1st) and Second (2ND) Degree Murder
• Arson, Racketeering and White Collar Crimes
• Voluntary and Involuntary Manslaughter
• Armed Robbery and Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon
• All Assault Charges
• All Drug Charges including Trafficking, Manufacturing, Selling, Delivering and Possession
• Burglary, Breaking and Entering, Larceny and Possession of Stolen Goods
• Embezzlement, Identity Theft, Obtaining Property by False Pretenses
• Possession of Firearm by Felon
• All Sexual Related Offenses including Rape, Statutory Rape and Indecent Liberties with a Child
• Adding and Abetting, Conspiracy, Attempt, Accessory and Accessory After the Fact
It is crucial that someone charged with a felony contact an experienced attorney soon after arrest or indictment. When an individual is charged with a felony, it can be an incredibly stressful and confusing experience as a felony conviction can affect your ability to vote, own a fire arm, get a job or obtain higher education. Contact a Monroe criminal lawyer to inform you of your criminal constitutional rights.
Have You Been Charged With A Misdemeanor Criminal Charge?
Misdemeanors are crimes that are less serious than a felony. Punishment for a misdemeanor are typically up to five (5) months imprisonment and usually involves no more than $1,000.00 in fines per offense. Misdemeanor criminal charges are handled at the District Court level by dismissal, trial by Judge or negotiated plea arrangement. If you are not satisfied with the results of your misdemeanor case at the District Court level you have the right to appeal your case to Superior Court. At McManus Law our attorneys handle North Carolina misdemeanor charges including but not limited to:
• All Assault Charges
• Violation of Domestic Violence Orders
• Breaking and Entering, Larceny, Possession of Stolen Goods and Shop Lifting
• Forgery and Obstruction of Justice
• Carrying a Concealed Weapon and Resisting a Public Officer
• Worthless Checks
As with any criminal charge, it is important to discuss your misdemeanor charge with an attorney to find out more about defenses to the charge, as well as your rights in the legal process. Contact a Monroe criminal lawyer to discuss your misdemeanor criminal charges.
Let's Get Your Criminal Record Expunged.
An expungement clears the criminal record of a particular crime for which a person was arrested. You can only have your record expunged if you were arrested for a crime, but were found guilty of that crime. In certain situation you can have a crime expunged that you were found guilty of depending on your age at the time the offense was committed or the substantive crime that you were found guilty of. Many employers will not hire people who have a criminal history unless their record is expunged. Expungement is relatively inexpensive when the benefits of having a clear record are considered. Contact a Monroe criminal lawyer to discuss get your criminal record expunged.
Do You Want To Appeal The Results of Your Criminal Case?
An appeal is the process in which a person challenges the decision of a lower court by asking a higher court to review the decision. The most common type of appeal occurs when an individual challenges a conviction from trial court and requests that the matter is brought before an appellate-level court for review. A person's ability to appeal is largely dependent on the conviction they have sustained and in what court they received their conviction. A common reason for appeal is the belief that some legal error took place in the preceding trial. Legal errors include discrimination, the presence and use of inadmissible information, as well as mistakes by counsel, judges, and jurors alike. With an appeal time is of the essence so contact us to set up a consultation with a Monroe criminal attorney regarding your appeal.

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